Galveston Foundation Repair specializes in fixing foundation problems within the Galveston, Texas area. We handle slab foundations and pier beam foundations of residential and commercial buildings. Our foundation repair specialists perform a wide range of slab repairs, which include leveling or raising sunken slabs, repairing foundation floor cracks, and more. We provide exceptional quality workmanship for the best top affordable prices to ensure help is available to customers who find themselves with a foundation problem or pressing concern requiring urgent attention.

Sinking Slab

There are many factors that can contribute to a sinking slab. Concrete slabs, such as those used for foundation, as well as walkways and concrete stairs, can sink over time causing not only issues with the appearance of your property, but also functionality and safety issues as well. Sinking can produce cracking that ranges from hairline fractures to more severe crumbling. Often, sinking or settling problems occur as a result of soil compression or erosion caused by water washing away earth from beneath the concrete. There are several ways to remedy a sinking slab, as well as address the source of the problem.

Cracked Slab

Concrete slabs may crack for various reasons, but typically this is a consequence of sinking or settling. As the slab sinks, it does so unevenly. Some areas may sink more or faster than other areas. This not only produces unevenness as evident by sloping or slanted floors, but also changes the way the weight of the building is distributed across the foundation. This means that certain spots may be subjected to excessive weight it has not been designed or built to withstand. This can result in some very serious problems for your slab foundation if left uncorrected.

Professional Slab Foundation Repairs

Galveston Foundation Repair offers a full range of foundation maintenance and repair services ideal for resolving problems and concerns involving slab foundations. Our foundation experts have been thoroughly trained to assist with any and all foundation problems. They have an impressive amount of experience on the job, as well as additional skills and qualifications that make them among the best foundation contractors to have at your service when you are in need of foundation repair services. Our team works swiftly and efficiently to stabilize and repair your slab foundation in the shortest amount of time possible in order to minimize inconvenience and disruption to you, your family, and your property.

Residential and Commercial Galveston Foundation Experts

For the best top affordable foundation repairs in Galveston, TX look no further than Galveston Foundation Repair – the number one choice for foundation services. Our foundation repair reviews support our claim of being one of the top local foundation contractors. We have many satisfied customers, with homeowners and business owners being among them. Through the years, we have forged an impeccable reputation and earned the trust and loyalty of our customers.